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The GQLPT Client SDK is designed to be easy to use while providing powerful functionality. Here's a guide on how to use the main features of the SDK.

Initializing the Client

First, import the necessary modules and create a new GQLPTClient instance:

import { AdapterOpenAI } from "@gqlpt/adapter-openai";

import { GQLPTClient } from "gqlpt";

const client = new GQLPTClient({
typeDefs: `your GraphQL schema here`,
adapter: new AdapterOpenAI({ apiKey: "your-api-key" }),

await client.connect();

Generating Queries and Variables

To generate a GraphQL query and variables from a plain text description:

const { query, variables } = await client.generateQueryAndVariables(
"Find users named John and their posts",


Executing Queries

To generate and execute a query in one step:

const result = await client.generateAndSend("Find users named John");

Working with Remote Schemas

You can initialize the client with a remote GraphQL endpoint:

const client = new GQLPTClient({
adapter: new AdapterOpenAI({ apiKey: "your-api-key" }),
url: "",

await client.connect(); // This will fetch and parse the remote schema

Error Handling

Always wrap your GQLPT operations in try-catch blocks to handle potential errors:

try {
const result = await client.generateAndSend("Find users named John");
} catch (error) {
console.error("An error occurred:", error);

For more detailed information on the available methods and options, refer to the API documentation.