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Anthropic Adapter

The Anthropic Adapter for GQLPT allows you to use Anthropic's AI models to generate GraphQL queries from natural language inputs.


To use the Anthropic Adapter, install it alongside the core GQLPT library:

npm install gqlpt @gqlpt/adapter-anthropic


To use the Anthropic Adapter, you'll need an API key from Anthropic. You can obtain this from the Anthropic website.


Here's how to set up and use the Anthropic Adapter with GQLPT:

import { AdapterAnthropic } from "@gqlpt/adapter-anthropic";

import { GQLPTClient } from "gqlpt";

const client = new GQLPTClient({
typeDefs: `your GraphQL schema here`,
adapter: new AdapterAnthropic({
apiKey: "your-anthropic-api-key",
// Additional Anthropic-specific options can be added here

await client.connect();

const { query, variables } = await client.generateQueryAndVariables(
"Find users named John",

console.log(query, variables);

Advanced Configuration

The Anthropic Adapter supports various configuration options to customize its behavior:

  • model: Specify the Anthropic model to use (e.g., 'claude-2', 'claude-instant-1')
  • maxTokens: Set the maximum number of tokens in the generated response
  • temperature: Control the randomness of the output (0.0 to 1.0)

Example with advanced options:

const adapter = new AdapterAnthropic({
apiKey: "your-anthropic-api-key",
model: "claude-2",
maxTokens: 150,
temperature: 0.7,

Best Practices

  1. API Key Security: Securely store your Anthropic API key using environment variables or secure key management systems.
  2. Error Handling: Implement robust error handling to manage API rate limits and other potential issues.
  3. Model Selection: Choose the appropriate Anthropic model based on your specific needs and performance requirements.
  4. Prompt Engineering: Experiment with different prompt structures to optimize the quality of generated GraphQL queries.


If you encounter issues:

  1. Ensure your API key is correct and has the necessary permissions.
  2. Check your network connection and firewall settings.
  3. Verify you're not exceeding Anthropic's rate limits or usage quotas.
  4. Consult Anthropic's documentation or support channels for specific error messages or unexpected behaviors.

For more information on Anthropic's AI models and capabilities, refer to the Anthropic documentation.